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03 Dec '20 0
MENTORING: Our Youth Mental Health Promotion Program
Valderrubio City Council, as member of our Neuroactive City has launched the initiative ‘MENTORING’. A program addressed to promote youth entrepreneurship through projects which drive mental wellness initiatives for our pupils. The City Council has published a local call to set in motion a selected group of projects design by our youth with an investment of 1400€.
Workshops are addressed to achieve the following objectives:
- To promote recognition and social respect of families and minors rights and interests.
- To empower inclusion, social connection and involvement of children in the municipality social life.
- To generate cohabitation in common spaces to favor social inclusion and interrelationship.
- To facilitate new free time alternatives adapted to the social needs and demands of people and groups at a disadvantage.
- To promote entities and social agents coordination to develop active participation policies with minors.
- To encourage local social relationships, inclusion and social connection through intergenerational initiatives.
These workshops will help us to conduct a better assessment of the actions and initiatives that could be included in our Decalogue for cities transformation into neuroactive spaces.